

Disability Support


“For many of us, trying to keep our minds calm and steady and our life in an enjoyable and supportive state of balance - is getting pretty difficult.

With how busy life is and the demands we feel upon us, we are finding ourselves easily run over by over-active minds and the aspects of our


with an unhealthy momentum.”

Jeff Brown

With years of experience in Meditation, Martial Arts, Yoga and Ayurveda, Jeff can help you to understand what’s going on and why. Helping you regain your own personal clarity, strength, steadiness and calm.

How it works…

Rather than trying to solve psychologically or emotionally, Jeff's focus is to work with people more physically - slowing down the activity of the mind, calming and slowing the nervous system, and in turn bringing out the body's natural strength and steadiness. You’ll feel your confidence and strength come from within, and come away with a lasting understanding of how to keep yourself (or your child) in better physical and mental health into the future.

Whether anxiety, an over active mind, a lack of clarity, lack of strength or more - Jeff can help you find your way.


What we do together…

  • Theory - helping you to understand your mind and body, understanding healthy and unhealthy momentum.

  • Quiet Sitting - Jeff will introduce you to a simple quiet sitting practice (think meditation but easier)

  • Yoga - a short Yoga sequence designed just for you, or working with a few handpicked postures to help bring about physical balance and strength.

  • Diet understanding - understanding the importance of strong digestion, we will look to see where and how things might be making life harder than it needs to be.

  • Mindfulness - some simple mindfulness style practices to support you, balancing the general over-activity of modern minds with attention and clarity and steadiness..

  • Anxiety - Jeff knows first hand how debilitating and sneaky general anxiety can be. His own personal experience has brought him to working with Anxiety in a very physical way, through your nervous system and body.

  • Other - from the types of fitness we choose, our breathing, screen and phone usage, gait, sleeping patterns, circulation, inflammation and more. Wherever might be practical and helpful, we will look to improve your understanding of balance and healthy momentum, without making life dull, boring or restricted.

Together with Jeff you will work towards simple practical changes that have a real impact, and help you to enjoy your life more fully and freely.